There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to log into the Exemplar Global College Website.
Please trouble shoot using the following questions:
(1) Is the user name and password correct?
- Please note that your access details for Exemplar Global College will be different to your login for the main Exemplar Global website.
- You may have provided an incorrect email address when you purchased your training. Please contact us using our support ticket system.
- Please check both the username and password that you are using to login with. You can request a new password to be sent from the login page.
(2) Did you receive your username and password after your purchase?
- No. You may have provided an incorrect email address when you purchased your training. Please contact us using our support ticket system.
(3) Have you purchased any training from this website?
- You will not be able to access protected areas of the Exemplar Global College website unless you have purchased a training or assessment product.